Two Truths & A Lie

Who hasn’t played a good ice breaker?

I know we all remember those college dorm days full of Never Have I Ever which led to a disastrous drinking game. But on the less damaging side, I’m thinking more like Two Truths & a Lie.

Twitter is a great social networking tool that I’m not sure many of us truly use to it’s potential. I’ve been known to look to my followers to play fun games online, so I decided to play Two Truths & a Lie via Twitter to see just how well I know my followers. Please, see the fun below!

This is getting good! Follow me @JGRunsTheCity to play more two truths & a lie! Also, This post is loosely related to the Athenos Two Truths and a Lie Party in Atlanta, where their giving away lots of cool stuff, including a free trip to South Beach!  I’m going, so if you’re local and thinking about attending, let me know or RSVP to attend at the Athenos Facebook Page under the Events Tab!


I'm a star how could I not shine?

“….and I wonder if you know, what it means…to find your dreams.”

Man I do. 2009 was crazy but it was so good. I really got my mind right last year. This year, I was motivated and I created a vision board as a physical reminder as to why 2010 is going to be great and why waking up every day is such a blessing. I got the support of some of my e-sisters and we all decided that we would create our boards and have them complete by tomorrow. I’ll share with you guys their boards when they are all complete, but for now here is mine.

Click here for close ups on each section.

Here’s the explanation of my vision:

  • I read online somewhere that when creating a vision board that is focused on the well being of one’s life, you should put a picture of yourself in the center. A picture that shows you smiling and happy. I think this picture captures that perfectly. Affirmations.
  • My three main focuses for this year and life in general are God, Growth, and Gains.
  • GOD
    • I kept this section small because there is no room for flexibility and compromise. I give my life completely unrestrained to God.
    • I have to recognize the power of a praying woman. I’ve seen how powerful God can be when you call upon him.
    • I must not forget how awesome God is that he gives me 90% while only asking for 10% in return. Even in hard times, God asks for less than a server does at any restaurant.
    • Money is always on everyone’s mind, but I will stop letting it control me. I control it.
    • I will secure scholarships for my MBA program this year. Each school awards money, but I’m looking for full rides and supplemental scholarships. Little to no DEBT!
    • My credit score has been on the mend since 2009 and I’m really pleased with where I’m at. I will reach and exceed 750 by the end of this year.
    • The “Protect your assets” clip is funny. I need to continue to build and collect my assets, as well as keep my booty in shape. 🙂 Indeed.
    • The $1,000,000 bill is powerful for me. In my business endeavors this year I will be fruitful. Whether it’s money in my bank, or money for a worthy cause, I’ll be collecting them Obamas.
    • Basically this year, I will really latch on to my long-term wealth building strategy. ROTH’s and other investments. I’m grown now, time to act like it.
    • This section ended up being the largest because it just encompasses so much.
    • Business Schools. I know where I want to go, I know where my heart is, I don’t know where the money is. LOL Either way, all of these schools will be FTW.
    • The “Princess Diaries” is a shout out to remind myself to keep writing. Keep blogging. Keep inspiring. Keep Learning.
    • Some symbols like the Ailey dancer, the ΔΣΘ, the bag full of pearls and money, my avatar in a sexy bikini, and the random references to looking fly are just affirmations to keep up with my passions. Health, Fitness, Shopping, and the Greatest Sorority ever.
    • The section concerning my love life makes me smile. There really isn’t much to say except I understand now more than before how real relationships work. It has a lot to do with more than just Love. I have the “Fire & Ice” symbols there to represent the balance that is needed (as well as… he and I’s connection). The Obamas are proof that two people can work together even with the world watching. Will & Jada are proof that love is about being open, honest, and communicating. The picture of he and I is proof that black love is still alive and well, and two highly driven individuals can find each other and find happiness. My putting his professional business on my board represents how I value his success and I make it a priority for me as well.
  • There are several random little shout outs on the board that I am affirming. Live life! Drink and be merry! Travel! I wish to leave a strong legacy. That doesn’t happen overnight so the building starts now. I want to help heal the world! When I die they will say “Nothing like her ever was.

That’s about it. It was sooo powerful for me to make this. I almost cried when I made the picture of FLOTUS and myself side by side. Someone commented on FB “You do resemble her, except you won’t be the President’s wife, you’ll be the President!” *sigh* I love the faith the world has in me. I won’t let you down. 🙂


P.S. I recommend that everyone do this. Seriously.  Check out SkinnyBlackGirl’s Vision Board. The rest will be up soon!

It's 2010 and…

…I’m loving it!


Here’s the hitch though:

I need a break from blogging. I’ve pretty much been blogging for a year straight. I posted almost 200 articles last year. I got really burned out from it because I felt like I started it for fun, but then I got caught up putting pressure on myself to respond to certain things. Those who know me know that I’m always on “the Koolaid” and I’m always happy. It just burns my britches to see bitterness, petty behavior, and snide gossip all the time. Being a blogger, you often feel the need to pick up on the latest story and give your spin, and so forth and so on. It was tough on me being constantly faced with all the drama of the world. Oh I’m still faced with it, and I’m still fighting it, I just need to not put pressure on myself to constantly respond to it.

Another thing is as I inch closer to starting my MBA this fall there is a lot to get in order. I was already struggling with finding the right time to write my blogs, that’s only going to get worse, so I need to set some time apart to put together my Vision Board, and really restructure my life so that in the upcoming months I’m not stressing out as I get prepared to leave the working world and become a student again. Once I do that I can schedule time to write as well as a schedule of consistent posting. Again with the timing, my involvement in my community will continue to increase as I continue to mentor “My Kids” and I become more involved with the plight of the homeless via The Samaritan House of Atlanta. When I make my move for school, I’ll be needing all of y’all to recommend to me some great programs to get involved in. So stay up!

I’m not quitting blogging, I’m just going to move this site to a free one, and use it for more personal rants, and then post my really good and deep topics on and Single Sisters Speak Out. So all the content will be moved and I’ll still be writing. It’s just my more personal thoughts will be reserved for those that truly care and can relate. I have amazing stuff going on in my life right now (apparently I managed to escape the plague of Black Woman Single Syndrome the media is hyping up beyond swing flu) and I should be able to share that with close friends and efriends alike. Just make sure you’re subscribed to and stay linked to this blog so that you’ll get more information on where it’s moving and when. In the meantime, please get connected to me so you can catch my Twitter #rants that could also be turned into a blog one day. 🙂 Also, add me on Facebook as a friend but let me know where you are coming from so I don’t ignore you into the abyss. 🙂

It’s not over. I promise.

Thank you so much for supporting me. You guys give me life!


P.S. I know I’m not done blogging, not even a little bit. I love sharing life’s experiences and lessons. I said I’d start on my book this year, and it’s coming. I feel like I can do that now and I have the focus, the direction, and the confidence. But as I begin the path of a Black MBA student this year, prepare to see my ewriting pick up. 🙂

Busy Week

Hey Guys… busy week before the holidays, but I promise I have blogs in the pike. I really do! LOL They are just all half-written, and I’ve been so swamped I haven’t been able to finish them. Throughout the holidays I’ll post them, but sorry, I’ve just been so lazy! Next year OFR will be back in full force. Hang on! 🙂

What exactly is a "Good Black Man"?

Picture 3

I know that question seems kind of dumb, and everyone will have a different definition replacing some key elements here and there, but seriously, let’s talk about this. These days as women, particularly black women, are fretting about being independent and yet still single you often hear the phrase “I’m out here looking for a good black man.” This is saying that there’s a pool of black men out there, some are good, but most are bad, therefore this search is often difficult.

I don’t like that.

I especially don’t like that because often times I believe the criteria for “good” is lacking in real substance. I hear these women out there talking about having STANDARDS, and I agree wholeheartedly that one should have them. Hell, I have a pretty strict set of standards as well. My only issue is that half the time these standards have very little to do with what I believe make a relationship thrive. A pretty common concept for black women is having a man that has what they have i.e. a degree, corporate/impressive job, etc. However, nowhere in the rule books does it say that a degree guarantees that he will love you, nowhere in the rule books does it say that his job will keep him from slapping you across the room. The only thing the rule books say in that regard is that crappy people are crappy people regardless of what they have in life. Truth be told, and it pains me to say this, but “having what you have” is going to be harder and harder to find as the gap in education gets wider. That doesn’t necessarily mean the gap in good men is getting wider. Hell I know several people who have degrees and have no job, does that automatically stack them in the evil, undateable, unworthy pile? Not to me at least.

So please, can someone explain to me what this mysterious Good Black Man is all about? People talk about him as if he is a Centaur (no Iota…JOKES!), or a unicorn, or the lochness monster. People swear that the only ones that exist are snatched up by white women, or men with Prada shoes. This makes me laugh because I look around my circle of friends and I see PLENTY of Great Black Men. We’re in our twenties so many of them don’t have that first million in the bank. Chances are many of them never will only because that’s just the way the cookie crumbles. Sure we all want to be millionaires but the world aint big enough for all of us. But these men are great. Perfect? Of course not. However they have vision, goals, plans, put in hard work for the people they love, and they are just generally great to be around. Yet and still, while being their friend I’ve seen many a woman abuse what they had to offer, or leave them high and dry for that “greener grass” that amounted to nothing more than a financial upgrade.

Now I’m painting with a broad brush here but it seems that when women are looking for a “Good Black Man” what they are really wanting to see is his resume, not his character. Good School? Check. Good Job? Check. Own Property? Check. Check Check Check. Meanwhile overlooking the fact that he aint about a dang thing. I’m not saying these things aren’t great, but they can’t be the sole factors we consider. I’ve seen people fall for the above things without even considering the rest.

Sure I understand that you want security, but what if a man could provide that without a degree? Or without the pretty job? Would those things still matter? For the super-duper independent woman that laments how much she’s got her own and she doesn’t care what he’s talking, does it matter to you his pedigree? Since you have all that you could desire minus the man, it would seem to me that all you would be looking for is a man of the highest quality character regardless of what he owns. Yet and still, sometimes it’s these highly paid, highly successful, Benz driving women, that are out there boo-hooing because they can’t find a man that’s more successful, more paid, and driving a Benz and a Rover since that’s what they deserve for amassing their riches. It’s funny because you will see a million dollar man with a five dollar woman. This always shocks and astonishes women. “Why is he with her?”…. maybe because he likes her for more than her bank account or her accolades.

I’m just going to be honest with you. I’ve never concerned myself with these things, and I think it’s paid off. One of the men I dated in the past had little to nothing in terms of networth. Had a degree, but barely had a job, didn’t have a flashy car, or a swanky spot, but I completely only saw him. While he and I didn’t work out, I can fast forward to now and see that he’s very successful, and doing quite well for himself. He just needed time. When it comes to relationships, I’ve always been pretty lucky to find someone that if the bottom fell out, we would be okay. Clearly they didn’t always work out, but the material stuff was never an issue yet we were always okay. I can say my current Gentleman Situation is the same. Should the flashing lights disappear we would still be kickin. To me that’s what’s most important. Remember things can be here today, gone tomorrow. So when defining that “Good Black Man” look a little bit deeper. Also, chances are you walk past him every single day, put a smile on your face, maybe he’ll stop. Open your eyes a little bit, and maybe he’ll stay.

New Year's No-No's


Greetings everyone! As the New Year finds everyone in hopefully good health and high spirits there are several things that come with it. Everyone wants to start over as if the actual changing of the years erases prior ills and fails. Well I understand the mentality behind needing a definite point in time to get your life together, but let’s be a little honest with ourselves. If there are some changes you need to make in your life, and you know about them well enough in advance to plan on making them at some defined point in the future, you are doing yourself a disservice. Just go ahead and do what you need to do, and feel better faster.

I digress.

I decided to make a nice little list of things that I would be most happy if the masses could avoid doing publicly as the ball drops this year. I think it’s a step toward freedom for all mankind. It seems that as social networking picks up more speed and people live vicariously through their lives online, we are becoming more and more privy to thoughts that I’m sure we could all go without. So in an attempt to pump the breaks on senseless status updates and driving people up the wall, here’s a little list to hopefully guide your sharing this holiday season.

  1. Everyone adds people here and there on FB that perhaps we don’t like, don’t know, or grow to hate. It’s not necessary to announce on FB that you will be deleting people in 2010. This makes no sense. Do you expect people to stop and analyze their FB interactions with you to determine if they are on the chopping block? Ok…and then what? Do I now have 16 days to plead my case? LOL It’s not that serious. Just delete and move on.
  2. Same with Twitter, don’t need to hear that you are unfollowing people because you just don’t have room in your life for the nonsense. That in itself is nonsense and you should start moving more life furniture starting with *points finger* YOU.
  3. Unless you are speaking on your winterboo updates, no one needs to hear you lament about how you will end your single streak in 2010. Unless of course you are being totally honest about the things that make YOU an undateable person, and you are planning to change those things, 2010 will probably look like 2009, 2008, etc. So please, just go back to updating about what you had for lunch.
  4. We all have plans to lose weight every time the New Year rolls along. However, don’t flood the gym without knowing what you’re doing. These times the gym is super packed and everyone needs to be on point. Don’t be lazy and hog the ab machine. Also, don’t front like you’re trying, but in reality you just stand behind the treadmill machines stretching for an hour. FB Photos will tell your secret in 4 months.
  5. Success is an ongoing measure to reach for. Don’t start talking about how you are going to take a break and then get back in grind mode come 2010. As someone who loves a good accountability partner, and can be one for you if you like, I’m just going to slap you upside the head. Success never sleeps, so neither should you. Telling me that you’re going to chill, but you have big plans in 2010 tells me you aren’t hungry, and I like to eat, so get out of my way. 🙂

New Year’s Resolutions are for you and no one else. I’m all about the power of affirmations and I share my more broad affirmations that can be used by all, but we don’t need to hear/read your entire list of ways you are going to get your life together. Chances are you won’t finish the whole list, and then how will you feel knowing, that I know, that you know, and well…. you know.

That’s about it for now, I feel like this post comes off a bit more Crabby Sally than I intended, but it’s Monday, it’s early, and vacation starts on Friday. Do you have any other New Years No-No’s that you would like to add to the list? I considered doing a rants on the big Facebook F’ups I see on the daily, but that’s another post all together. Join in the fun!


To My Readers:

I’m not going to lie, I started blogging a year ago on Rants of a Wild Child, now I have my own site, and I contribute to a few others and it’s DRAINING. To be honest the reason it’s so draining on me is because I have something to say about EVERYTHING and I’m still struggling to figure out how to say it succinctly.  You guys are awesome because you stick around for it all! Well this week I had so much to say that it was emotionally draining for me to even get up the energy to write about it, and then edit it down to a reasonable length. I just ended up abandoning a lot of thoughts. For the time being. I’m not taking a break, but this week just got the best of me. Not to mention as we end out the year, the day job is getting more and more demanding. Fear not, next week I’ll be back to go over some of the things that plagued my mind this week, and some new stuff. I just wanted to kee you guys abreast of OFR, and make sure you knew not to delete the bookmark! LOL Stick with me!


The Pageantry of the Church


So those who know me know I looooooove my church. I am on the Dance Ministry (currently on Hiatus) and I rant and rave about my church all the time. It’s a big church, but it’s got that good southern feeling to it. The choppy foot dance is in effect every now and then. Matter of fact, I was once in service where my Pastor TAUGHT the choppy foot dance. That made me feel special. This is what I’ve grown up with and what I thought I was most comfortable with. Back in high school when I was the Token Negro I would go to a Bible Study with my non-black friends and get my folksy praise and Joel Osteen worship on. But that wasn’t my typical Sunday move.

So anyway, the “Black Church Experience” is what I know best yet, I am not sure it’s what I want to embrace anymore. Last night I went to Buckhead Church and since I had never heard of it before I had no clue what to expect. I just know that when we got there I realized it was HUGE, and not the crowd I was used to. I typically shy away from big churches because it seems there’s a lot of flashing lights and smoke and mirrors. Too much going on. I must say I was surprised. While the church is clearly huge and paid there was a…. vibe. Like people just coming in to worship. That’s all. No politics, no frontin, just there for God. The service started with one of the most amazing musical introductions I have EVER seen in a church, maybe anywhere. Then we did a few songs of praise and worship. When it was time to take up the offering it happened so fast. The pastor said “while we take up the offering, here’s a little video to watch”. It was a cute little film pertaining to their theme this month. There was no begging, no reminding you of why you should tithe, no prosperity message of “give and you shall receive… we PROMISE.” Interesting seeing as though they probably get people that give far more because they do so with a cheerful heart. The Pastor’s sermon was GREAT. His delivery was awesome without getting hyper and yelling, and he told an amazing story right out of the Word that resonated with me, and had me enthralled. I LOVED IT. The service lasted an hour. #WDDDA?

Here’s the thing that made me think. Everyone knows that Black Church lasts a close to or longer than two hours. There’s always an entire agenda that you have to go through and I think we feel that’s necessary to feel like we’re “Good Christians”. I think that however is what keeps a lot of people from attending. Having to be there all day. And I know that back in Biblical days they would sit and hear the “Good News” for hours, but I’d venture to say that that’s not particularly the reason Black Church lasts forever. As I was noticing the difference in this church and the others that I have frequented I made a special note of the celebrity of the Pastor. At my church the Pastor, while very laid back, is REVERED! He is put up on a high pedestal and treated as the King of the Church. At Buckhead Church, I wasn’t sure he was the Pastor until he began his sermon. I think this is a good thing. I related to him. If he did something human, I wouldn’t feel as let down, because it wouldn’t seem as large of a betrayal. I think it’s common in the Black Church to elevate the clergy. The Pastors are doing it all, motivational speaking, book deals, concerts, etc. They are celebrities. While they are messengers they are still human. We blur the lines with them a lot.

Then there’s the actual service. You have Praise & Worship in which if you are not jumping up and down you are looked at with the o_O. Then the choir sings and depending on how good the Holy Ghost is circulating, that may take a while. Prayer, announcements, prayer, offering that takes 15 minutes, prayer, Sermons in which the Pastor implores you to respond with Amens and “Preach Pastor!” and “that’s right!”, prayer, the Church doors are open, prayer, now you can leave.  Taking a look on it, I can see how some people are intimidated, and why many choose to just not come and miss out on the most important thing. The word of God. Somewhere I think we got too caught up in entertaining and lost sight of the real goal, The Word. A lot of people have issues with the Black Church (really, HUGE churches in general, but for the majority of my audience I’ll stay on the B.C.) because they are skeptical. I think that all the pageantry has a lot to do with it. Believe it or not, I think the people that are looking to come to religion really want to come to Christ not because of the glitz and glam but because of his message. How did we get so far off track?

So to my readers I ask, do you go to Church? What kind, mixed, black, white, etc? How do your experience enrich or hinder your relationship with God?

P.S. I really liked Buckhead Church, if any of my ATLiens would like to visit again with me, just let me know.

Stop. Celebrity. Worship


Please! Celebrity Worship Syndrome. It’s not good for you.

I just can’t take it anymore. We can discuss celebrities without the worship. It’s to the point now where anyone with over 2,000 followers on twitter thinks they are a celebrity and deserve shout outs in the club and a platter of free wings. No Bueno! Although I’ll take them free wangs. Lemon Pepper please.

An-tee-ways. I’m tired of hearing about every little thing concerning so and so or who cares. Well, it’s not so much hearing about it as it is how everyone blows things way out of proportion. I am of the camp that celebs need not talk about their private lives AT ALL. Just because the media is a lynch mob and pesters the hell out of them does not mean they have to oblige. Whether it’s good or bad. We make these people role model when outside of what they do professionally we probably wouldn’t let them pay us to take care of a loved one. Does that make sense?

For the above reason, I don’t see why we continuously ask celebrities to “speak out” on certain causes and issues all the time. I understand we do it for the fundraising or the awareness, but that stops working when said Celeb does something that the rest of humanity does but that we expect them not to. They are not Popes people.

Examples of Celeb Worship Gone Wrong:

  • Rihanna felt the need to come out and speak on the DV situation between her and Chris Brown. Like I said, I believe private lives should be private no matter who you are, but whatever. She said she knows that she’s a voice for young girls and she had to speak out so that someone in her position could get out. I applaud. However, the next week she’s in an interview in which she says if a girl doesn’t send her boyfriend naked pictures then she feels bad for him. Basically encouraging those young women she wants to save to participate in the same activities. Nevermind that they don’t have PR Teams, Lawyers, or millions in the bank should the same exposure happen to them. Now, I’m not saying a few fun pictures back and forth is a bad thing (plus no one cares about my opinion) but that’s child pornography for most of her fan base, and chances are higher that the pics will make their way around the school. Stop the worship.
  • Recently word got out that Pleasure P of the uber-famous boy group Pretty Ricky (/sarcasm) could quite possibly be a convicted child molester. Hmmmm. While I never found his music to be all that great (never heard his solo stuff, just Pretty Ricky’s) I could tell from his twitter following and myspace groupies that most of his fans are tiny-aged. So you have young boys bumping and grinding against pillows on youtube to homeboy and young girls frothing at the mouths and talking about Boyfriend #2. That’s a problem when you consider that this guy is probably really really sick and should be behind bars still. Worship…stop. Please.
  • Then you have the First Church of Tiger Woods (shout out to @SDotWalton) that is pretty much a cult full of strange people that don’t leave the house much. They have since disbanded because *gasp* Tiger did something that millions of people in the world do every day! While what he did was triflin’ I think for these crazies they may need to look at the bigger picture. #stopcelebrityworshipshrug

I could create a list that would span the entire equator of all the dumb things that celebrities do. Clearly that’s why this blog isn’t as popular as millions of others. I don’t particularly tackle celebrity gossip which is what the millions want to read. Last night Dwight Eubanks (sp?) from RHOA (a show I don’t watch) came into my job. I was bitched at for not knowing who that plastic looking man was. After being told who he was real proper like, I remember that I wrote a blog featuring him concerning Gay men who marry women and I wanted to laugh. Child Boo. Bye.

Here’s how it works, we let celebs stick to what they are good at (i.e. acting, singing, sports, WHATEVER) and we go about life without having to read their every dumb moment on Twitter, paying extra to get in the club just because they will be walking through it, and seeing their every downfall interrupt our favorite show that they happen to not be on. That’s all I’m saying.

If you or someone you know is addicted to celebrity gossip and their every move, there is help. Call 1-800-stopthemadness and we’ll get you or your friend locked away in a padded room for life. iKid!

Winterboo updates!


Everyone! Grab your snuggies, slankets, and fuzzy socks! We’re well underway into the winterboo season and I just wanted to check in and be nosy about what everyone is doing. I’m not quite ready to spill the beans on my own “boo-lovin” situation, but let’s just say that mine is a keeper! However, to be fair he was never a winterboo to begin with, buuuuuuut moving on! I sent out a tweet yesterday to ask everyone to update me on their winterboo situations and I got quite a few goodies. I feel bad that I didn’t release this upon Facebook but well, here is everyone’s chance to share their winter happiness!

First the tweets:

Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Picture 5Picture 7Picture 8

Now… let the record show that the second tweet I posted by a Mr. CJ1933 is all fun and jokes and #lies. LOL So it seems that some people are doing quite well in their efforts while others are still on the bench. Never fear! There is still time! With that said here are some things you can focus on for the rest of this winterboo season.

  1. As time wears on the temperature is dropping quickly. Holidays are around the corner. Make wise decisions regarding where your winterboo stands in terms of gift giving and quality time. This should have been outlined in your contract, but in case you slipped up, now is the time to talk about it. I suggest spending limits or avoiding the whole thing altogether. If you are in the boat like many above in which your winterboo is a keeper, pull out the stops. Get the good gifts that aren’t just on the endcaps in Target.
  2. Do not introduce your winterboo to your family unless you plan on keeping them. Winterboodom is a fairly new phenomenon, I believe, so your family probably won’t understand that person’s temporary nature. Plus, what if they really like the winterboo? Now you have a pestering Mother that is going behind your back to negotiate a spring contract. No Bueno.
  3. If you have yet to find a winterboo, I suggest you hop on it fast while you still have time. While the holidays are tricky business for a winterboo situation, there is one holiday where they must be in attendance. New Years. You have to kiss someone at midnight, and no one wants to be the lame at the party with the bottle of that good Bubbly but no one to toast it with. When the ball drops and the clock strikes twelve don’t be that loser in the corner with the sad face while everyone is sucking face. Make sure the winterboo is in place.
  4. Perhaps you were looking diligently these past few weeks for a winterboo and yet you were unsuccessful. I blame it on the wishy washy ways of the weather. (Try saying that three times fast.) I know last week the day before Thanksgiving it was rather hot here in ATL and even hotter when I got down to Florida. However, Jack Frost is back with a vengeance and it’s even snowing in Dallas. I believe people that were acting stuck up before when it was still a bit warm out will be willing to suck it up and cuddle now. Re-issue those applications and check your spam mail for any that may have fallen through the cracks.
  5. Do not put your winterboo situation on blast on Facebook. Everyone knows that Facebook makes things official so if you do that, might as well hunker down for the long-haul.

That’s all I have for now. I’m more interested in hearing everyone else’s updates and any tips you may have as we near the end of the first quarter of the winterboo season. What say ye!? LOL

Oh and one last thing….if your winterboo situation is not working out, it’s time to switch it up. No need to be miserable over a temporary solution to a short-term problem. Drop and head back to point number 4 above. That is all.